Anal (bowel) incontinence or constipation

Bowel control difficultiesAny recent changes in bowel habits, passing of blood from the bowel or anything outside of what is normal for you (including pain, altered sensation, presence of a lump or bulge) – consult your doctor first. There are many reasons for bowel problems to occur, and some require medical attention sooner rather than later.

Children who frequently poo their pants after toilet training need medical assessment.

Anal incontinence

  • You lose bowel contents (faeces or wind) at inappropriate times.
  • You may have awareness that this is about to happen, and are unable to control it.
  • You may have no warning that this is about to happen.
  • You may have great difficulty making it to the bathroom in time to use your bowels (urgency).
  • Children who soil in their underpants. Some children do not reach the milestone of controlling their bowels even though their bladder control is good. Some children achieve partial control, but frequently have accidents and poo in their underwear after the age of 3 or 4.


  • You may not feel the urge very often.
  • When you do feel the urge you go to the bathroom and nothing much happens – or not without a lot of straining.
  • This situation is frustrating and very uncomfortable.

How can physiotherapy help?

Symptoms in this area may develop due to difficult delivery of a baby, surgery, injury or other factors.
Some people are weak in this area due to low back problems or surgery to their low back.
Repetitive heavy lifting can weaken pelvic floor structures, as can constipation and straining.
The muscles and other structures that support the rectum and anus may be weakened and not providing sufficient control.

Physiotherapy can provide…

  • A pelvic floor muscle exercise program tailored to your body (only applicable for adults).
  • Advice on how to improve stool form (through diet, fluids and other products), so that your stool is formed, soft and easy to pass.
  • Education on how to empty your bowels correctly, without causing further strain to this part of the body.

Bowel control problems are some of the many conditions that can be treated by a suitably trained Pelvic Health Physiotherapist.

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